Education - General medicine
Nagyerdei krt. 98. sz., Debrecen, 4032, Tel: +36-52-255-805
Course Director: Balázs Sztanó M.D., Ph.D. habil., Associate Professor, Head of Department
Year, semester: 5th year, 1st semester, or 5th year, 2nd semester
Lectures: 10
Practicals: 20
Seminar: Requirements
Education: Ten lectures and practices. The attendance of the lectures is recommended, the practices are compulsory, One practice may be missed, the others should be compemented. During the practice on the 6th week a Self Control Test, on the 10th week Practical Exam is hely.
Examination: the type of exam is an oral colloquium, two topics have to be worked out and presented, which is preceded by competency test written on the day of the exam.
In addition to the mandatory literature indicated below, the curriculum also includes the themes of lectures and practices.
Associate Professor, Head of Department, Course Director |
Balázs Sztanó M.D., Ph.D. habil. |
Associate Professor |
László Tóth M.D., Ph.D. habil. |
Assistant Professor |
Tamás Batta M.D., Ph.D. |
Szilárd Gyula Rezes M.D., Ph.D. |
Assistant Lecturer |
Gyöngyi Bertalan M.D. |
Balázs József Jászberényi M.D. |
Dávid Kovács M.D. |
Zoltán Papp M.D. |
Erika Pászti M.D. |
Zsuzsanna Piros M.D. |
Lecturer |
Topic |
1. |
Dr. Rezes Szilárd Gyula |
Anatomy of the external and middle ear, disorders of the pinna and external canal Acut supparative otitis media |
2. |
Dr. Rezes Szilárd Gyula |
Treatment and complications of the otitis media |
3. |
Dr. Batta József Tamás |
The cochlea and sound perception. Audiological examination |
4. |
Dr. Jászberényi Balázs József |
The vestibular system |
5. |
Dr. Rezes Szilárd Gyula |
The salivatory glands. The facial nerve. |
6. |
Dr. Tóth László |
Disorders of the nose and paranasal sinus Tumors of the nose and paranasal sinuses |
7. |
Dr. Batta József Tamás |
The pharynx (inflammatory disorders, neoplasm). Tonsillectomy and adenotomy. |
8. |
Dr. Papp Zoltán |
The larynx (inflammatory disorders) |
9. |
Dr. Sztanó Balázs |
Malignant disorders of the larynx and the hypopharynx, neck mass. |
10. |
Dr. Sztanó Balázs |
The upper airway stenoses. Vocal cord palsy, prolonged intubation. |
1st week:
General informations. Exposition of general methods in otorhinolaryngology. Demonstration of instruments required at basic examinations:practising of their use. (Use of the head mirror,otological examination with aural-speculum,examination with Otoscope, rhinoscopy anterior, rhinoscopy posterior, laryngeal examination with mirror, pharyngeal examination).
2nd week:
Physiology of hearing-practice in audiometry (whispering speech, conversational speech, examinations with tuning-fork, treshold audiometry, objective audiometry and special tests). Audiometrical methods in practice.
3rd week:
Symptomatology of ear diseases,Investigation of functioning of auditory tube (Valsalva’s experiment, Polizter’s test, tympanometry). Exposition and demonstration of ear operations, tympanoplasty, antrotomy, mastoidectomy, the essence of radical ear operation. (operating theatre, videoprogram).
4th week:
Nose and paranasal sinus operations, (FESS) nasal endoscopy videoprogram). Demonstration of maxillary sinus punction. Control method of epistaxis. Anterior nasal packing and Belloque-tamponade.
5th week:
Tonsillectomy, adenoidectomy. Indications of tonsillectomy and adenotomy. (operating theater)Diff. diagnosis of cervical masses. Cervical nodes, cervical trigones, deep neck abscess as a complication of acute tonsillitis.
6th week:
Malignant diseases of larynx. Presentation of larynx operations/video or operating theatre. Endoscopes in the oto-rhynolaryngological
Self Control Test
7th week:
Demonstration of microlaryngoscopy and oesophagoscopy. Laryngological connections of Laser surgery/video or operating theatre. Use of laryngoscope.
8th week:
Practice in the Center for Medical Simulation. Conicotomy, tracheotomy. Transoral and transtracheostomal intubation. Fiberoscopy,otoscopy.
9th week:
Vestibular examinations. Evaluation of spontaneus vestibular symptoms. Incuded examinations. (Rotatorical examination of electrical rotatory chair, electrony stagmography,analysis of optokinetic and positional nystagmus). Demonstration of examination methods.
10th week
Practical exam
Themes of the oral exam
- Anatomy and physiology of the external ear
- Anatomy and physiology of the middle ear
- Anatomy of the inner ear
- Referred otalgia
- Physiology of hearing
- Eustachian tube disorders
- Tests of the auditory apparatus
- Tuning fork tests
- Audiometry
- Objective measurement of hearing
- Disorders of the pinna and external auditory canal
- Hearing aids, cochlear implantation
- Acute otitis media
- Otolabyrinthitis syphilitica and middle ear tuberculosis
- Chronic otitis media
- Main surgical procedures of middle ear disorders
- Tympanoplasty
- Glomus tumor
- Skeletal disorders causing hearing loss
- Tinnitus – SNHL
- Intratemporal complications of suppurative otitis media
- Temporal bone fractures
- Intracranial complications of suppurative otitis media
- Noise induced hearing loss
- Presbyacusis, noise trauma, ototoxicity
- Méniere,s disease
- Sudden hearing loss
- Acustic neuroma
- Anatomy and physiology of the vestibular system
- The vestibular function tests
- Differential diagnosis of hearing loss
- Differential diagnosis of vertigo
- Anatomy and physiology of the facial nerve
- Congenital hearing impairments
The anatomy and physiology of the nose and paranasal sinuses
Inflammatory disorders of the nasal mucosa
Allergic and vasomotor rhinitis
Epistaxis and its management
Nasal liquorhea
Acute sinusitis
Frontobasal skull fractures
Complications of paranasal sinusitis
Malignant tumors of the nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses
Endoscopic anatomy of the nasal cavity
Lateral and median neck cysts
Trauma of the nose and paranasal sinuses
The anatomy and physiology of the esophagus and trachea
Congenital disorders, foreign bodies and caustic burns of esophagus
Dysphagia, odynophagia
Inflammatory disorders of the salivary glands (mumps, acut suppurative parotitis, chronic sialadenitis)
Salivary gland calculi
Neoplasms of the salivary glands
Trauma of the neck
Differential diagnosis of neck nodes
Ludwig,s angina
Lateral neck masses
Medial neck masses
Endoscopic procedures in otolaryngology
- The anatomy and physiology of the larynx
- Congenital disorders of the larynx
- Trauma of the larynx
- Acute and chronic inflammatory diseases of the larynx
- Premalignant disorders of the larynx
- Malignant neoplasms of the larynx
- Surgery of the larynx
- Movement disorders of the larynx
- Tracheostomy (indications, types, complications)
- Symptoms of laryngeal disorders
- Croup syndrome (acute epiglottitis, acute subglottic croup laryngitis, diphteria, angioneurotic edema)
- The anatomy and physiology of the pharynx, spaces of the neck
- Traumatic disorders of the pharynx (mechanical, chemical injuries)
- Movement disorders of the pharynx
- Acute inflammatory diseases of the pharynx (acut adenoditis, tonsillitis, peritonsillar abscess)
- Vincent,s Angina, angina agranulocytotica, herpangina, infectious mononucleosis
- Trismus
- Indications and contraindications of tonsillo-adenoidectomy
- Differential diagnosis of tonsillitis
- Juvenile angiofibroma of the nasopharynx
- Benign and malignant neoplasms of the pharynx
Department of and Head and Neck Surgery
1. Title: Implantable hearing aids
2. Title: Modern treatment of upper airway stenoses
3. Title: Postlaryngectomy voice and pulmonary rehabilitation
Tutor: Balazs Sztanó M.D. Ph.D.habil.
4. Title: The role of cochlear implant in hearing rehabilitation
5. Title: The role of middle ear implantation and active and passive bone anchored hearing aids in hearing rehabilitation
Tutor: Laszlo Toth M.D., Ph.D. habil.
6. Title: Analysis of the aetiology and patomechanism of the development of the otitis media with effusion
7. Title: Modern aspects of tonsillectomy versus tonsillotomy
8. Title: The effectiveness of surgical treatment of focal oto-rhino-laryngological diseases on dermatologic diseases
9. Title: The utility of the neuromonitor during surgeries of the big salivary glands
Tutor: Szilard Gyula Rezes M.D., Ph.D.
10. Title: Tinnitus as a symptom of the systemic microvascular dysfunction
Tutor: Zsuzsanna Piros M.D.
Updated: 2024.08.26.