Oktatás - Hasznos linkek
- Magyar Fül-, orr-, gége és Fej-, Nyaksebész Orvosok Egyesülete
- Adam.com Encyclopedia
- Allergy, Clinical Immunology International
- American Academy of Otolaryngology
- American Journal of Otolaryngology, full text
- Association for Research in Otolaryngology
- Bobby R. Alford Guide to Otolaryngology on the Internet
- Congress Resource Center
- Department of Otolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery Philipps-University, Marburg, Germany
- Deutsche Gesellschaft für Hals-Nasen-Ohrenheilkunde, Kopf- und Hals-Chirurgie
- ENT Journal
- European Rhinologic Society
- FreeBooks4Doctors
- HNO-Informationen (Kongressabstracts)
- International Federation of Oto-Rhino-Laryngological Societies
- Kid Source General Information about Deafness And Hearing Loss
- Lists of Internet sources in Ear, Nose, Throat
- Medical Essays, 1842-1882.
- Medline free
- MedlinePLUS, Ear, Nose and Throat
- National Institute on Deafness
- Österreichische Ges. für Hals-, Nasen-, Ohrenheilkunde, Kopf-, und Halschirurgie
- Reuters Health
- World Allergy Organization
- World Health Report
Frissítés dátuma: 2020.04.27.